Links & Stats


3 Million Grandparents Raising Grandchildren in the U.S.

Click on the blue links below.


National Committee of Grandparents for Children’s Rights, Inc.

An entire publication dedicated to grandparents raising their grandchildren.

State-by-state fact sheets for grandparents raising grandchildren in the U.S. including resources and support. (AARP)


Articles covering topics such as reasons for your grandchild’s misbehavior and ways to build strong families. (University of Florida IFAS Extension)


The average income of 35% of grandparents is less than $24,000 in the United States. Click on the link to your left in order to find a dedicated resource to grandparents spanning supplemental income, guardianship subsidies, free daycare, etc.


Learn just what your legal rights are as a grandparent and guardian of your grandchild.


A one-stop-shop for all grandparent resources that provides legislative resources, national organizations, and general publications. Check it out!


This organization’s mission is to connect children, youth, and older people through an array of intergenerational collaboration, public policies, and programs.


Disclaimer: Grandparents Involved from the Start Inc. (GIFTS) does not endorse any of the mentioned entities. They are only noted as resources and information.